Thursday, August 9, 2007

In loving memory...


This blog entry contains spoilers for J.K. Rowling's book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". If you have not finished this book, I advise you not to read any further. Thank you.

Now, onwards!

In loving memory of FRED WEASLEY. May his spirit live on forever.

*Sighs and shakes head* I still cannot believe she killed him. Killed him! I'm still mourning over him... Fred was one of my favorite characters... and... and he... he... And there aren't... two... two...

Okay, subject change. Getting really sad just trying to type that.

Well, anyway. What else? I felt so empty after I finished Deathly Hallows. I mean... there's no more. Noting. Nada. I mean, my life feels so... so.. I don't know! It's just so odd! Harry's series... is over... and... he's all grown up and married to Ginny... and Ron and Hermione... and... Agghhh! This is driving me mad. I'm going to stop being a Harry Potter fanatic for a second and try and think of something else.

Although everything I've been thinking about lately has been revolving around Deathly Hallows. I drew an HP fanart... It was of George... crying at Fred's grave... speaking of which, I suck at drawing graveyards. Tee hee. But, I did a really good side view of George. Although he's crying. I feel so bad for him! It must be awful... I mean, how is he going to run Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes when practically half of him is missing? And I just can't imagine George without Fred, or vice versa.

Okay. Getting sad again. NOW for a real subject change.

Okay no. I can't change the subject from Deathly Hallows. That's the only thing running through my head...

Alright, I can't believe Snape died! Snape!! And the part in the Pensive, when he was talking to Dumbledore... when he summoned his Patronus... dear God, that broke my heart. I started crying.

"After all this time?"


And the whole Pensive itself was sad... even how he was obsessing over Lily... But they were such good friends when children! And then she met James... and he met Lucius and people... God, I don't even know what to think about James anymore. This is all so confusing.

I guess I should shut up now. Heh heh heh...

Mmm, see ya~



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Anonymous said...

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